Key Takeaways:

  • Asbestos insulation can pose serious health risks.
  • It is critical to periodically check your home’s walls and ceilings for any signs of destruction or decay that might indicate the presence of asbestos insulation.
  • Knowing the different kinds of asbestos insulation and areas where it may be found in your home is crucial for identifying it.
  • This is a critical way to ensure the safety of your residential roof system and protect your family from potential health risks.
  • The inspector will first inspect the house to determine if any potential risk areas exist and then take samples of materials that could contain asbestos.

We often take the safety of our homes for granted, not thinking about what lies within the walls. However, a potential health hazard lurking without you knowing is asbestos insulation. Asbestos has been used in building materials and is still found in many homes, so it’s essential to know if your house contains asbestos insulation.

Testing for asbestos insulation is a relatively simple process and can be completed by a professional. The inspector will first inspect the house to determine if any potential risk areas exist and then take samples of materials that could contain asbestos. The samples are analyzed in an independent lab, and results are provided within days. If asbestos is found, it is essential to have the area professionally sealed and the materials removed.

Contact a residential roofing contractor to determine if your roof contains asbestos insulation. Let’s discuss signs indicating asbestos insulation, internal sources where asbestos may have been stored, and more!

What Is Asbestos Insulation?

Asbestos insulation is made from minerals naturally mined from the earth. This material was used in residential and commercial buildings for various purposes, including roofing and wall construction. Asbestos insulation is resistant to heat, fire, sound, and electricity. It’s also quite affordable, which made it an attractive option for builders during the twentieth century.

Why Is Asbestos Insulation Dangerous?

The problem with asbestos insulation is that it may contain a dangerous mineral called Chrysotile or “white asbestos.” If inhaled over time, this mineral has been linked to severe health conditions such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Inhaling dust particles containing this mineral could cause an individual to become ill.

Different Kinds of Asbestos Insulation

Block Insulation

Asbestos block insulation is generally found around pipes, heaters, and walls. This insulation is made from cement, asbestos fiber, and other materials.

Blanket Insulation

Blanket insulation is usually made from mineral fibers, cellulose, and asbestos. It’s most commonly used in residential buildings for insulating walls and ceilings.

Spray Insulation

Spray-on asbestos insulation was used for residential and commercial buildings during the twentieth century. This insulation was sprayed directly onto the surface of a structure and then hardened to create an airtight seal.

Loose-Fill Insulation

Loose-fill asbestos insulation is a standard residential insulation found in many homes. This type of insulation was used between walls, ceilings, attics, and other areas where soundproofing was necessary.

Vermiculite Insulation

Vermiculite insulation is made from a mineral that contains magnesia and aluminum. When heated, the vermiculite will expand and form small pieces of insulation. This type of insulation was often used in residential homes as an alternative to fiberglass or cellulose.

A residential roofing contractor can inspect your roof to determine if it contains any asbestos insulation. Roofs are typically the most exposed part of a home and can be prone to damage.

If the roof is older than 15 years, it may contain some form of asbestos insulation. A contractor will be able to inspect your roof and let you know if there is any asbestos present in your home’s insulation.

Here’s some more information about what to expect from professional roof inspections.

Signs That Your Home Contains Asbestos Insulation

Signs of asbestos insulation include discoloration, crumbling, or cracking of the insulation. The contractor can confirm if there is asbestos by gathering a sample and sending it off for testing.

Places Where Asbestos Insulation Can Be Found

Asbestos insulation can often be found around pipes, boilers, and furnaces. It may also be located in walls and ceilings within residential homes. It’s important to note that while asbestos insulation is most common in residential homes built before 2000, it is still used in some residential construction projects.

Things To Do If Your Home Contains Asbestos Insulation

If your residential home contains asbestos insulation, it’s essential to protect yourself and your family. A contractor can advise on the best methods for removing or repairing damaged asbestos insulation.

It’s also essential to regularly inspect the walls and ceilings of your residential home for signs of damage or deterioration that could indicate that asbestos insulation is present.

Modern Alternatives to Asbestos Insulation

Fortunately, contractors can replace asbestos insulation with modern and safer alternatives like fiberglass or cellulose insulation. These materials are less hazardous to homeowners and the environment, making them a safe and long-term option for residential roofing maintenance.

Reasons To Hire a Residential Roofing Contractor for Roofing Maintenance.


If your home has asbestos insulation, you should never attempt to remove or replace it. Hiring a contractor with the proper training and experience in dealing with asbestos insulation is best.


Residential roofing contractors are usually able to offer warranties on their work. Suppose the contractor fails to eliminate asbestos contamination in your home. In that case, they will be responsible for any damages or medical bills incurred.


Removing and replacing asbestos insulation can be dangerous; residential roofing contractors have the specialized equipment and training necessary to do it safely. They also have liability insurance so that you don’t have to worry about being held liable for any accidents or illnesses caused by their work on your home.

Local Codes and Regulations

Every state and locality has different requirements for residential roofing contractors. Ensure that the roofers you hire understand and conform to all local codes and regulations. It will ensure a safe, legal, and long-lasting job.

Peace Of Mind

Hiring a residential roofer for your home’s roofing needs will give you peace of mind. Experienced residential roofers can identify, correct, and maintain most residential roofs. It ensures a safe, long-lasting roof system for your home.

Asbestos insulation in your home can pose serious health risks to you and your family. By understanding the different kinds of asbestos insulation, the places where it can be found, and how to identify it, you can ensure a safe environment for your family.

Absolute Roofing and Construction, Inc has provided a vast range of commercial and residential roofing services in Fairlawn, OH, since 1987. If you want to complete a roofing project, get a free estimate today!