Key Takeaways:

  1. DIY siding replacement can save you money, as you won’t have to pay for the labor costs of a professional contractor.
  2. Lack of experience and expertise can lead to costly mistakes or, even worse, cause damage to your home.
  3. A professional siding replacement contractor has the skills, knowledge, and experience to complete the project efficiently and effectively.
  4. When you work with a professional contractor, you’ll need to work around their schedule, which may not always be convenient.


Replacing the siding can give your home a much-needed face-lift with improved aesthetics, heightened energy efficiency, protection from environmental hazards, and reinforced structural integrity. You may be tempted to tackle this job on your own. But remember that there are several factors to consider before making any decisions.

As a homeowner, deciding which route is best is sometimes challenging. But one thing’s certain: the decision to replace your home’s exterior siding should not be taken lightly. In this blog post, construction experts at Absolute Roofing and Construction, Inc will help you explore the pros and cons of a DIY and professional siding replacement to make the right choice for your home.

Benefits of a DIY Siding Replacement

If you have the time, skills, and patience, siding replacement can be a DIY project. Here are some of the advantages of DIY siding replacement:


DIY siding replacement can save you money, as you won’t have to pay for the labor costs of a professional contractor. Instead, you can purchase the materials and tools needed for the job and do the work yourself.

Flexibility in Scheduling

When you DIY your siding replacement project, you can work at your own pace and schedule. It can be a huge advantage for busy homeowners who may not have the time to wait for a contractor to fit them into their schedule.

Satisfaction of Completing a Project on Your Own

Completing a DIY project can be gratifying, and siding replacement is no exception. When you finish the project independently, you can take pride in a job well done and enjoy improving your home.

Opportunity to learn new skills

Siding replacement can be an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, such as using power tools, measuring and cutting materials, and working with different siding materials. These skills can be valuable for future DIY projects and save money on home repairs and improvements.

Disadvantages of DIY Siding Replacement

While DIY siding replacement can have advantages, there are also some significant disadvantages.

Lack of Experience And Expertise

Siding replacement can be complicated and technically challenging, particularly if you have little experience with home repairs or renovations. This lack of experience and expertise can lead to costly mistakes or, even worse, cause damage to your home.

Risk of Causing Damage to The House

A siding replacement project involves removing and replacing the siding from your home’s exterior. If not done correctly, you could end up causing damage to your home, such as leaks or gaps that let in water or air.

Time-Consuming Process

Siding replacement is a time-consuming project that can take several days or weeks to complete, depending on your home’s size and the project’. If you don’t have the time to devote to the project, it may drag on for longer than anticipated.

Limited Access to Specialized Tools and Equipment

Siding replacement requires specialized tools and equipment to which you may not have access. It can lead to additional expenses if you have to rent or purchase these tools for the project.

Advantages of a Professional Siding Replacement

Hiring a professional siding replacement contractor can be a great option if you don’t have the time, skills, or desire to do a project yourself. Here are some pros of working with a professional contractor:

Experience and Expertise

A professional siding replacement contractor has the skills, knowledge, and experience to complete the project efficiently and effectively. They know the ins and outs of siding replacement. They can handle any challenges or surprises that may come up during the project.

Access to Specialized Tools and Equipment

Siding replacement requires specialized tools and equipment you may not access as a DIYer. Professional contractors have the tools and equipment to complete the project correctly and efficiently.

Efficient And Timely Completion of The Project

A professional siding replacement contractor can complete the project much more quickly and efficiently than a DIYer, which can be particularly beneficial if you have a tight timeline or need to complete the task quickly.

Reduced Risk of Damage to The House

Professional contractors are experts in their field and are less likely to make mistakes that may cause damage to your home. They also have the necessary insurance to cover any damages that may occur during the project.

High-Quality Work

Professional contractors are trained to deliver high-quality work that meets industry standards. They can ensure that the siding replacement project is done correctly, looks great, and will last for years.

Disadvantages of a Professional Siding Replacement

While there are many benefits to hiring a professional siding replacement service, there are also some potential disadvantages.

Higher Cost

Hiring a professional siding replacement service can be more expensive than doing the project yourself. You’ll need to pay for the contractor’s labor and materials costs.

Limited Flexibility in Scheduling

When you work with a professional contractor, you’ll need to work around their schedule, which may not always be convenient. You’ll also need to coordinate with the contractor for the project’s duration.

Bottom Line

Ultimately, deciding to DIY or hire a professional contractor for your siding replacement project will depend on your preferences, skills, budget, and timeline. A DIY project may be a great option if you’re confident in your abilities and have the time and resources to devote.

However, hiring a professional siding replacement service may be the better choice if you want the peace of mind that comes with working with an experienced professional contractor or lack the necessary skills or equipment. Whatever your decision, carefully weigh the pros and cons and choose the option that best fits your needs and goals.

Absolute Roofing and Construction, Inc offers Professional siding replacement services

Absolute Roofing and Construction, Inc is here to help if you need professional siding replacement services in Medina, WA. Our team of experienced contractors can provide high-quality work and excellent service, ensuring a successful outcome for your project. We use top-quality materials and are dedicated to providing superior workmanship and customer satisfaction.

Get a free estimate today.