Key Takeaways

  1. Regular roof inspections are vital for maintaining a strong and durable commercial roof.
  2. The commercial roof inspection steps include assessing the interior, walking on the roof, taking core samples, and creating a detailed report.
  3. Inspections take varying durations, while report delivery usually takes a few days to a week.
  4. The report provides insights into findings, material assessment, potential issues, and repair recommendations.
  5. After the inspection, prioritize repairs, plan long-term maintenance, budget for expenses, and schedule future inspections.
  6. Taking proactive care of your roof protects your investment, prevents costly damage, and ensures longevity.

The roof, a steadfast protector of our commercial buildings, bravely faces the elements, shielding us from nature’s harsh forces. Wind, snow, and storms provide us with comfort and safety within our sturdy structures. Yet, like all things, even the strongest roofs require maintenance and care as they age.

Did you know that the average lifespan of a commercial roof is around 20 to 30 years, depending on the material used? It is a remarkable testament to their resilience and a reminder that problems can arise as they age. This is where the significance of a professional roof inspection comes into play.

Absolute Roofing and Construction, Inc. is dedicated to conducting thorough commercial roof inspections. We aim to explore the various aspects of the inspection process and the valuable insights it offers. Join us as we delve into the steps of a comprehensive commercial roof inspection, the time required for a thorough examination, the contents of the inspection report, and the critical next steps for commercial property owners.

Steps Involved in a Commercial Roof Inspection

When checking the health of your commercial roof, experts follow a series of steps to get the whole picture. Let’s break it down.

Starting from the Inside:

The inspection begins within the building. A skilled roofing contractor will scrutinize the interior for any signs of leaks or structural issues. They may examine ceilings, walls, and attic spaces to detect potential indicators of roof problems. For example, wall water stains could hint at a leaky roof, necessitating further investigation.

A Walk on the Roof:

The inspector takes to the roof with keen eyes and expertise. They meticulously traverse the surface, examining every nook and cranny for signs of deterioration or damage. They inspect the roofing materials, flashings, gutters, and vents, ensuring they are in proper condition. The roofing contractor may also look for loose or missing shingles, cracks, or blistering. They may even identify potential hazards, such as overhanging branches or debris, that could jeopardize the roof’s integrity.

Taking Core Samples:

The inspector may also need to delve deeper to assess the roof’s condition accurately. It involves taking core samples, which essentially means extracting small sections of the roof for laboratory analysis. These samples help identify the quality of the roofing material, detect moisture penetration, and assess the overall structural integrity. The roofing inspector gains invaluable insights into the roof’s performance and potential vulnerabilities by gathering this data.

Report Formation:

Once the roof inspection is complete, the contractor compiles a detailed report outlining their findings. This report serves as a comprehensive record of the roof’s condition, highlighting any areas of concern, necessary repairs, or recommended maintenance. It provides a roadmap for property owners, empowering them to make informed decisions about the upkeep and longevity of their roofs.

Total Time for a Complete Commercial Roof Inspection

A complete roofing inspection takes time to ensure a thorough evaluation of your commercial roof. Let’s explore the two aspects that contribute to the total time required:

Duration of the Inspection Process

The inspection process typically varies depending on the roof’s size, complexity, and condition. It can take some hours to a full day. Skilled inspectors meticulously examine every aspect of the roof, from the interior to the exterior, ensuring no detail goes unnoticed. They dedicate ample time to identify potential issues, measure the roof’s health, and provide accurate recommendations.

Delivery Time for the Inspection Report:

After the inspection, the inspector consolidates their findings into a comprehensive report. The time to deliver the inspection report to the property owner can vary depending on factors such as the roof’s complexity, the inspector’s workload, and the processes involved in preparing the report. Property owners typically expect to receive the report within a few days after the inspection.

Insights on the Contents of the Inspection Report

The inspection report is a valuable document that provides in-depth insights into the condition of your commercial roof. Let’s delve into the critical contents of the report:

Key Findings and Observations

The report begins by summarizing the essential findings and observations from the inspection. It highlights both positive aspects and areas of concern, offering a comprehensive overview of the roof’s current state.

Assessment of Roofing Materials and Components

The report assesses the quality and condition of the roofing materials and components. It includes details about the type of materials used, their age, and any visible signs of deterioration. This assessment helps determine the roof’s overall lifespan and performance.

Identification of Potential Issues or Areas of Concern

The inspector identifies any potential issues or areas of concern that require attention. It could include signs of water damage, leaks, structural weaknesses, or other problem areas. By pinpointing these issues, the report helps prioritize necessary repairs or maintenance.

Recommendations and Quotes for Repairs or Maintenance

Based on the findings, the report recommends repairs or maintenance to address the identified issues. It may include a range of solutions, along with estimated costs or quotes. These recommendations empower property owners to make informed decisions about necessary actions to maintain or improve the roof’s condition.

What to Consider After a Roofing Inspection

After a thorough roofing inspection, there are several important factors to consider for the future well-being of your commercial property. Let’s explore these key considerations:

Prioritizing and Scheduling Repairs

The inspection report will highlight any necessary repairs or areas of concern. It’s crucial to prioritize these repairs based on their urgency and potential impact on the roof’s integrity. Create a plan to address these issues promptly, scheduling repairs with qualified professional roofing contractors to prevent further damage or costly consequences.

Long-Term Maintenance Strategies

Developing a long-term maintenance strategy is vital to ensure the continued health of your commercial roof. The inspection report may provide recommendations for regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning gutters, checking seals, or addressing potential hazards. Incorporate these tasks into a maintenance plan to prevent future problems and extend the roof’s lifespan.

Budgeting for Roofing Expenses

The inspection report’s recommendations and repair estimates help budget roofing expenses. Allocate funds to address immediate repairs and plan for future maintenance or replacement needs. Being financially prepared ensures that your roof remains in optimal condition without unexpected financial burdens.

Planning for Future Inspections and Evaluations

Regular inspections and evaluations are essential to proactive roof maintenance. Plan for future inspections based on the age and condition of your roof and any recommendations in the report. A good rule of thumb is scheduling inspection and maintenance before the winter sets in or after a storm. Establish a timeline for periodic assessments to catch issues early, prevent extensive damage, and maximize the lifespan of your commercial roof.


Regarding commercial roofing, knowledge is power, and a comprehensive inspection is the key to unlocking that power. By understanding the steps involved, the time required, the contents of the inspection report, and the necessary considerations afterward, commercial property owners can ensure the longevity and resilience of their roofs.

Trust the Experts for Your Commercial Roofing Needs

Take the first step towards a durable commercial roof! Contact Absolute Roofing and Construction, Inc., your trusted partner in Fairlawn, OH, for top-notch commercial roofing services. Whether you need a thorough inspection, expert maintenance, reliable repairs, or a complete roof replacement, our team has got you covered. Get in touch with us for a free estimate.