EPDM/TPO Example

The first synthetic rubber roofing membrane was developed in the U.S.A. almost 50 years ago and original roofs are still functioning. This suggests a product life expectancy well in excess of 50 years. Over 2 Billion square meters of membrane have been laid worldwide, from the heat of the Middle east to the cold of the Arctic.

Although slightly more expensive than traditional bitumised felt, it compares very favourably in price, with other higher quality flat roofing products. EPDM is now proving to be the more popular option for domestic projects when customers are considering the replacement of their flat roof.

EPDM is designed for maintenance access, so it’s OK to walk on it. Should you require regular foot traffic or patios etc. there are various methods of covering the membrane with more durable finishes, ie. Paving slabs, purpose made walkways, decking, etc. for patios walk ways and sun decks.

We have done various projects over the years involving rubber roofs. St. John Bosco Church and School and Lakewood High School are two jobs that are featured on our site.